Data wrangling II


Juan F. Tellez

University of California, Davis

August 14, 2024

Plan for today

Making amends + objects review

Mutating new variables

Creating categories

Weekly check-in

So far, you:

somehow do not know how to make every graph from scratch based solely off memory

are confused about errors you are seeing for the first time in a computer program you’ve never used before

are unable to re-type all the code I am presenting on slides into your notes at what would be a rate on par with a professional court stenographer

Weekly check-in

You are confused and unsure of yourselves

But you are doing well

You’ve only been coding for two weeks

You just need to know how to piece together answers from notes + slides

You will slowly get better at coding, and dealing with errors (be patient!)

Back to objects

Using objects

ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp)) + geom_point()

What if I wanted to make this same plot, but only looking at Asian countries?

Subset to Asia

I can use filter() to subset the data to Asia, store it as a new object gap_asia, and use that new object to make a plot

gap_asia = gapminder |> filter(continent == "Asia")

ggplot(gap_asia, aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp)) + geom_point()

Using the new object

Notice how I need to use the new object

the original gapminder does not have what I want

ggplot(gap_asia, aes(x = gdpPercap, 
                       y = lifeExp)) + 

ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = gdpPercap, 
                      y = lifeExp)) + 

filter() and variables types

Filtering requires knowing the type of variable you are working with

Numerical variables do not use quotes

gapminder |> filter(year > 2000)

Categorical variables use quotes, and spelling must be exact

gapminder |> filter(continent == "Asia")

gapminder |> filter(continent == "asia")

TRUE/FALSE variables are all-caps, no quotes

gapminder |> filter(is_asia == TRUE)

What values does a variable take on?

To figure out what values a variable can take on, you can use distinct()

bot |> 
# A tibble: 13 × 1
 1 Roman Catholic           
 2 Protestant               
 3 Jewish                   
 4 Nothing in particular    
 5 Agnostic                 
 6 Atheist                  
 7 Something else           
 8 Mormon                   
 9 Hindu                    
10 Muslim                   
11 Eastern or Greek Orthodox
12 Buddhist                 
13 <NA>                     

Homicides in 2019

state city population murder_total
Alabama Mobile 248431 50
Alaska Anchorage 296188 27
Arizona Chandler 249355 5
Arizona Gilbert 242090 5
Arizona Glendale 249273 12
Arizona Mesa 492268 23

Most violent cities in America?

Fewer deaths in towns with less people

Normalizing variables

To compare across cities we need to take into account differences in population

We want to know how many murders have taken place (or drug overdoses, or crimes, or COVID cases, or…) per person in the city (per capita)

This is called normalizing a variable; changing it so that we can make units more comparable

Murder rate

In math terms this is just dividing the number of murders by population:

\(Murders_{capita} = \frac{Murders}{Population}\) = “how many murders per person”

Since this fraction is tiny, the convention is to multiply by a number that makes sense

for the population of a city, say 100,000 people

\(Murders_{per 100k} = \frac{Murders}{Population} \times 100,000\) = “how many murders per 100,000 people”

Comparing murder rates

If we look at murder rates, the picture changes:

Making new variables with mutate()

mutate() adds new variables to data

Using mutate

# A tibble: 100 × 4
   state      city       population murder_total
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0 
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0 
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0 
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.  
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0 
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0 
# ℹ 90 more rows

Using mutate

murder_set |> 
# A tibble: 100 × 4
   state      city       population murder_total
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0 
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0 
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0 
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.  
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0 
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0 
# ℹ 90 more rows

Using mutate

murder_set |> 
  mutate(murder_capita = murder_total / population)
# A tibble: 100 × 5
   state      city       population murder_total murder_capita
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0      0.000201 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0      0.0000912
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01     0.0000201
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01     0.0000207
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0      0.0000481
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0      0.0000467
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.       0.0000955
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01     0.0000199
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0      0.0000864
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0      0.0000283
# ℹ 90 more rows

Notice that I named a new variable, murder_capita

Using mutate

murder_set |> 
  mutate(murder_capita = murder_total / population, 
         murder_rate = murder_capita * 100000)
# A tibble: 100 × 6
   state      city       population murder_total murder_capita murder_rate
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0      0.000201        20.1 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0      0.0000912        9.12
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01     0.0000201        2.01
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01     0.0000207        2.07
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0      0.0000481        4.81
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0      0.0000467        4.67
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.       0.0000955        9.55
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01     0.0000199        1.99
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0      0.0000864        8.64
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0      0.0000283        2.83
# ℹ 90 more rows

Notice the new columns

Forgetting to store

If you don’t store your changes, they will melt away, like tears in the rain

murder_set |> 
  mutate(murder_capita = murder_total / population, 
         murder_rate = murder_capita * 100000)
# A tibble: 100 × 4
   state      city       population murder_total
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0 
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0 
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0 
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.  
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0 
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0 
# ℹ 90 more rows

New object, or overwite the old one?

You can make a new object:

murder_rates = murder_set |>
  mutate(murder_capita = murder_total / population, 
         murder_rate = murder_capita * 100000)

Or overwrite the old one

murder_set = murder_set |>
  mutate(murder_capita = murder_total / population, 
         murder_rate = murder_capita * 100000)

In general, overwriting when you are adding stuff to your data (mutate) is fine

# A tibble: 100 × 6
   state      city       population murder_total murder_capita murder_rate
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Alabama    Mobile         248431        50.0      0.000201        20.1 
 2 Alaska     Anchorage      296188        27.0      0.0000912        9.12
 3 Arizona    Chandler       249355         5.01     0.0000201        2.01
 4 Arizona    Gilbert        242090         5.01     0.0000207        2.07
 5 Arizona    Glendale       249273        12.0      0.0000481        4.81
 6 Arizona    Mesa           492268        23.0      0.0000467        4.67
 7 Arizona    Phoenix       1608139       154.       0.0000955        9.55
 8 Arizona    Scottsdale     251840         5.01     0.0000199        1.99
 9 Arizona    Tucson         532323        46.0      0.0000864        8.64
10 California Anaheim        353400        10.0      0.0000283        2.83
# ℹ 90 more rows

New object, or overwite the old one?

Overwriting when you are removing information from the data can be bad

For example, when we filter()

gapminder = gapminder |> 
  filter(continent == "Africa")
# A tibble: 624 × 6
   country continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
   <fct>   <fct>     <int>   <dbl>    <int>     <dbl>
 1 Algeria Africa     1952    43.1  9279525     2449.
 2 Algeria Africa     1957    45.7 10270856     3014.
 3 Algeria Africa     1962    48.3 11000948     2551.
 4 Algeria Africa     1967    51.4 12760499     3247.
 5 Algeria Africa     1972    54.5 14760787     4183.
 6 Algeria Africa     1977    58.0 17152804     4910.
 7 Algeria Africa     1982    61.4 20033753     5745.
 8 Algeria Africa     1987    65.8 23254956     5681.
 9 Algeria Africa     1992    67.7 26298373     5023.
10 Algeria Africa     1997    69.2 29072015     4797.
# ℹ 614 more rows

This is bad, since we lose the original gapminder data

🚨 Your turn 🌡️ Climate change 🌡️ 🚨

Sample from climate dataset
country year population co2
Cyprus 1986 712335 3.61
Jordan 1958 832979 0.52
Slovenia 2020 2078931 12.56
Turkey 1921 14102330 0.84
Peru 1888 3287640 0.01

🚨 Your turn 🌡️ Climate change 🌡️ 🚨

Using climate, make the following two plots looking only at Germany, USA, China, India:

  1. A grouped time-series of co2 emissions over time (separate country by color)

  2. A grouped time-series of co2 emissions per capita over time (separate country by color)

  3. Who’s to “blame” for climate change? And where should we focus environmental efforts?


Creating categories

Creating categories with case_when()

Sometimes we want to create categorical variables (tall, short, poor, rich, Republican-leaning, Democrat-leaning, etc.)

We can use case_when(), which goes within mutate()

Like filter(), case_when() also relies on logical operators

Who won the county?

sample from elections dataset
name state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020
Hinsdale County CO 0.56 0.40
Union County SD 0.67 0.31
Curry County OR 0.57 0.41
La Plata County CO 0.40 0.58
Waller County TX 0.63 0.36
Hood County TX 0.81 0.17
Randolph County AR 0.79 0.18
Benton County WA 0.59 0.38
Wood County TX 0.84 0.15
Newton County MS 0.69 0.30

Who won the county?

The general formula: case_when(CONDITION ~ LABEL)

# A tibble: 3,152 × 4
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270 
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224 
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458 
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207 
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747 
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418 
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298 
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416 
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132 
# ℹ 3,142 more rows

Who won the county?

The general formula: case_when(CONDITION ~ LABEL)

small_elections |> 
  mutate(who_won = case_when(per_gop_2020 > per_dem_2020 ~ "Republicans"))
# A tibble: 3,152 × 5
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020 who_won    
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>      
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270  Republicans
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224  Republicans
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458  Republicans
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207  Republicans
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957 Republicans
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747  <NA>       
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418  Republicans
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298  Republicans
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416  Republicans
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132  Republicans
# ℹ 3,142 more rows


Remember when we mutate() we have to name the new variable

Who won the county?

The general formula: case_when(CONDITION ~ LABEL)

small_elections |> 
  mutate(who_won = case_when(per_gop_2020 > per_dem_2020 ~ "Republicans",
                             per_dem_2020 > per_gop_2020 ~ "Democrats"))
# A tibble: 3,152 × 5
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020 who_won    
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>      
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270  Republicans
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224  Republicans
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458  Republicans
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207  Republicans
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957 Republicans
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747  Democrats  
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418  Republicans
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298  Republicans
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416  Republicans
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132  Republicans
# ℹ 3,142 more rows

OK but by how much?

Our categories can be more complex, for instance the win margin

Step 1: calculate the win margin

small_elections |> 
  mutate(margin = per_gop_2020 - per_dem_2020)
# A tibble: 3,152 × 5
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020  margin
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270   0.444 
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224   0.538 
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458   0.0766
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207   0.577 
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957  0.800 
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747  -0.499 
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418   0.157 
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298   0.390 
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416   0.156 
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132   0.728 
# ℹ 3,142 more rows

OK but by how much?

Step 2: add the categories

small_elections |> 
  mutate(margin = per_gop_2020 - per_dem_2020) |> 
  mutate(who_won = case_when(margin > 0 & margin < .1 ~ "R < 10"))
# A tibble: 3,152 × 6
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020  margin who_won
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270   0.444  <NA>   
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224   0.538  <NA>   
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458   0.0766 R < 10 
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207   0.577  <NA>   
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957  0.800  <NA>   
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747  -0.499  <NA>   
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418   0.157  <NA>   
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298   0.390  <NA>   
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416   0.156  <NA>   
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132   0.728  <NA>   
# ℹ 3,142 more rows

OK but by how much?

Step 3: keep adding categories

small_elections |> 
  mutate(margin = per_gop_2020 - per_dem_2020) |> 
  mutate(who_won = case_when(margin > 0 & margin < .1 ~ "R < 10",
                             margin >= .1 & margin < .2 ~ "R + 10"))
# A tibble: 3,152 × 6
   name            state per_gop_2020 per_dem_2020  margin who_won
   <chr>           <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
 1 Autauga County  AL           0.714       0.270   0.444  <NA>   
 2 Baldwin County  AL           0.762       0.224   0.538  <NA>   
 3 Barbour County  AL           0.535       0.458   0.0766 R < 10 
 4 Bibb County     AL           0.784       0.207   0.577  <NA>   
 5 Blount County   AL           0.896       0.0957  0.800  <NA>   
 6 Bullock County  AL           0.248       0.747  -0.499  <NA>   
 7 Butler County   AL           0.575       0.418   0.157  R + 10 
 8 Calhoun County  AL           0.688       0.298   0.390  <NA>   
 9 Chambers County AL           0.573       0.416   0.156  R + 10 
10 Cherokee County AL           0.860       0.132   0.728  <NA>   
# ℹ 3,142 more rows

And so on…

🚨 Your turn 🚨

Using the elections dataset:

  1. Create a variable that tells you what happened in the 2016 election in each county. The variable should incorporate four possibilities:

    1. DEMS won in 2012 and in 2016 (“blue”)

    2. REPS won in 2012 and in 2016 (“red”)

    3. the county flipped from blue to red (“blue to red”)

    4. the county flipped from red to blue (“red to blue”)

  2. Make a boxplot that compares household income (x-axis) across this variable (y-axis)
