In-class example
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How much should we expect a painting to sell for if it was created in 2000, is a sculpture, is 360 inches, painted by a male artist who went to an elite art school?
Step 1: fit model
art_mod = lm (real_price_usd ~ year_of_artwork + genre + size_inch_by_inch + gender_male + elite_school, data = art)
tidy (art_mod)
# A tibble: 14 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -871468. 423020. -2.06 3.94e- 2
2 year_of_artwork 399. 180. 2.22 2.65e- 2
3 genreFurniture -22050. 233258. -0.0945 9.25e- 1
4 genreLighting 16834. 279905. 0.0601 9.52e- 1
5 genrePaintings 131746. 221991. 0.593 5.53e- 1
6 genrePhotographs 38462. 225012. 0.171 8.64e- 1
7 genrePrints 8849. 223350. 0.0396 9.68e- 1
8 genresculpture 502219. 585437. 0.858 3.91e- 1
9 genreSculpture 95405. 221369. 0.431 6.66e- 1
10 genreTextiles -502. 312996. -0.00160 9.99e- 1
11 genreWorks on Paper 22696. 224533. 0.101 9.19e- 1
12 size_inch_by_inch 27.6 1.36 20.3 8.00e-90
13 gender_male 62918. 15183. 4.14 3.44e- 5
14 elite_school 76471. 11665. 6.56 5.76e-11
Step 2: set scenario:
art_scen = crossing (year_of_artwork = 2000 , genre = "Sculpture" , size_inch_by_inch = 360 , gender_male = 1 , elite_school = 1 )
# A tibble: 1 × 5
year_of_artwork genre size_inch_by_inch gender_male elite_school
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2000 Sculpture 360 1 1
Step 3: get estimate:
augment (art_mod, newdata = art_scen)
# A tibble: 1 × 6
year_of_artwork genre size_inch_by_inch gender_male elite_school .fitted
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2000 Sculpture 360 1 1 170745.