Data visualization

In-class example

Here’s the code we’ll be using in class:


  1. Download it and store it with the rest of your materials for this course. If simply clicking doesn’t trigger download, you should right-click and select “save link as…”.

  2. Upload to Posit Cloud

Presidential elections code-through

We’re working with elections_historic from the {socviz} package. This code loads {socviz}, {tidyverse} (where ggplot() lives) and the dataset:

# A tibble: 49 × 19
   election  year winner      win_party ec_pct popular_pct popular_margin  votes
      <int> <int> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>          <dbl>  <int>
 1       10  1824 John Quinc… D.-R.      0.322       0.309        -0.104  1.13e5
 2       11  1828 Andrew Jac… Dem.       0.682       0.559         0.122  6.43e5
 3       12  1832 Andrew Jac… Dem.       0.766       0.547         0.178  7.03e5
 4       13  1836 Martin Van… Dem.       0.578       0.508         0.142  7.63e5
 5       14  1840 William He… Whig       0.796       0.529         0.0605 1.28e6
 6       15  1844 James Polk  Dem.       0.618       0.495         0.0145 1.34e6
 7       16  1848 Zachary Ta… Whig       0.562       0.473         0.0479 1.36e6
 8       17  1852 Franklin P… Dem.       0.858       0.508         0.0695 1.61e6
 9       18  1856 James Buch… Dem.       0.588       0.453         0.122  1.84e6
10       19  1860 Abraham Li… Rep.       0.594       0.396         0.101  1.86e6
# ℹ 39 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: margin <int>, runner_up <chr>, ru_part <chr>,
#   turnout_pct <dbl>, winner_lname <chr>, winner_label <chr>, ru_lname <chr>,
#   ru_label <chr>, two_term <lgl>, ec_votes <dbl>, ec_denom <dbl>

We start with ggplot():


Tell it what data we are plotting:

ggplot(data = elections_historic)

Map the x and y-axis within aes():

ggplot(data = elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct))

Add a point geometry:

ggplot(data = elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct)) + geom_point()

Go back and map color and shape aesthetics:

ggplot(data = elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct,
                               color = win_party, shape = two_term)) + geom_point()

Add labels by mapping the label aesthetic and adding a geom_text geometry:

ggplot(data = elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct,
                               color = win_party, shape = two_term,
                               label = winner_label)) +
  geom_point() +

Here’s the final code, all put together, changing the axis titles using labs():

# load libraries

# make plot
ggplot(elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct, color = win_party,
                               shape = two_term, label = winner_label)) +
  geom_point() + geom_text() + labs(x = "Percent of popular vote",
                                    y = "Percent of Electoral College vote",
                                    title = "Presidential Elections (1824-2016)",
                                    color = NULL, size = NULL)

Bells and whistles

Here’s some other stuff I’m adding to make this graph better (that you’re not responsible for):

# load libraries

ggplot(elections_historic, aes(x = popular_pct, y = ec_pct,
                               color = win_party, shape = two_term,
                               label = winner_label)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_text_repel() +
  labs(x = "Percent of popular vote",
                                    y = "Percent of Electoral College vote",
                                    title = "Presidential Elections (1824-2016)",
                                    color = NULL, size = NULL) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c(yellow, red, blue, "gray")) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, size = 1.4, color = "gray80") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, size = 1.4, color = "gray80") +  theme(legend.position = "none")


The recession graph from class:

ggplot(data = economics, aes(x = date, y = unemploy)) +


The organ data plot:

ggplot(data = organdata, aes(x = donors, fill = opt)) +